DIA Accredited Designer™

As a DIA Accredited Designer™ member you are a well-qualified professional designer however over time new design disciplines emerge, trends evolve, business requirements change and technologies advance.

  • The first step is to set up your DIA Accredited Designer membership.

    The qualification that may have served you well at the start of your career cannot be expected to equip you throughout your career: skills need refreshing, enhancing and broadening.

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD) helps maintain the professional standing of individuals, design practices and of Australian designers in general. The DIA believes that clients, businesses and the community have a right to high quality services provided by professional designers with current skills.

  • Through our focus on ‘Equipping’ DIA members to succeed in business, the DIA endeavours to facilitate activities that address the CPD needs of the design sector. The DIA offers Continuing Professional Development (CPD) through member events and face-to-face and online learning programs.

    CPD activities can be sourced from many places and it is not a requirement that the DIA is the provider of a CPD activity. As such, DIA members can earn CPD points by participating in events organised by others, for example courses, conferences, seminars, workshops, authoring and teaching.

    CPD is most effective if undertaken on a continuous basis to ensure a currency of skills and knowledge. It can be pursued on an as-needs basis, built into your personal performance plan with your employer, or be an avenue to you becoming an Accredited Designer™.

  • Members participate in a self-selected range of learning activities, chosen to suit their stage of career, discipline, experience and direction. This becomes important if accruing CPD points is part of a personal performance plan with your employer or if you are wishing to become an Accredited Designer™.

    Different events and activities earn different CPD points, depending on their duration and educational content. Typical CPD events earn the following points. Members may contact the DIA National Office to seek advice on the eligibility and scoring of other activities.

    DIA Accredited Designer members need to accrue 50 CPD points per calendar year to be granted the DIA Accredited Designer logo .

  • DIA CPD points are accrued over a calendar year, that is between January and December each year.

    To record and track your CPD points, please click the button below.

    If unsure of an activity please submit and the DIA will assess.

CPD Points - Earn Rates